
Psalm 66:15

I will offer unto thee burnt sacrifices of fatlings, with the incense of rams; I will offer bullocks with goats. Selah.

I will offer unto thee burnt sacrifices of fatlings,.... Of the fattest of the flock; that is, of the best; such as Abel offered, Genesis 4:4;

with the incense of rams; or "rams with incense" {f}; the Targum is,

"with sweet incense, the sacrifice of rams;''

Kimchi interprets it of incense of the fat of rams.

I will offer bullocks with goats; he proposed to offer all kind of offerings, to show gratitude and thankfulness for the favours received; by all which are meant the calves, or fruit of the lips, the sacrifices of praise, thanksgiving to God, in the name of the whole church and people of God; see Revelation 19:1.

Selah; on this word, See Gill on "Psalms 3:2".

{f} Mylya trjp Me "arietes cum incenso", Gejerus; so Campeusis in ibid.