
Psalm 116:19

In the courts of the LORD's house, in the midst of thee, O Jerusalem. Praise ye the LORD.

In the courts of the Lord's house,.... This is added by way of explanation of Ps 116:18, what he meant by "the presence of all his people"; the assembly of the saints met together in the house of the Lord, at the door of the tabernacle, in the courts of it, where the people got together to worship God;

in the midst of thee, O Jerusalem; the Lord's house or tabernacle; for as yet the temple was not built, and the courts of it were in the midst of the city of Jerusalem. And this shows, as some interpreters have observed, that this psalm must have been written after David came to the kingdom, and had got this city into his hands, whither he brought the ark of the Lord. The whole signifies that he would praise the Lord publicly, as well as privately; and he concludes the psalm thus,

Praise ye the LORD; calling upon the Lord's people, in his house and courts, to join with him in this work of praise.