
Psalm 106:11

And the waters covered their enemies: there was not one of them left.

And the waters covered their enemies,.... They pursuing the Israelites into the sea, the waters returned, and covered Pharaoh and all his host, and drowned them, so that they sunk as a stone, and as lead into the bottom of the sea, Exodus 14:28.

there was not one of them left; to return back to Egypt, and give an account of what became of the army, Exodus 14:28, an emblem this of the utter destruction of all our spiritual enemies by Christ; who has not only saved us from them, but has entirely destroyed them; he has made an end of sin, even of all the sins of his people; he has spoiled Satan and his principalities and powers; he has abolished death, the last enemy, and made his saints more than conquerors over all. Likewise it may be a representation of the destruction of the wicked at the last day, who will be all burnt up at the general conflagration, root and branch, not one will be left; see Malachi 4:1.