
Genesis 36:25

And the children of Anah were these; Dishon, and Aholibamah the daughter of Anah.

And the children of Anah were these,....

Dishon, the name of one of his uncles. Genesis 36:21;

and Aholibamah the daughter of Anah; Aben Ezra thinks this is not the same Anah that was mentioned in the beginning of this verse; since, if he was the same, there was no need to mention him again, but that he is the same that is mentioned in Genesis 36:2; but if he is not the same that is spoken of in this verse and Genesis 36:24, it is difficult to account for the mention of him at all in this place: that he is the same as in

Genesis 36:2 seems to be right, though it is attended with this difficulty, that the Anah and Aholibamah there are represented as of the Hivites, whereas here they are reckoned among the Horites; but it may be, as Ainsworth observes on Genesis 36:20, that the Horites were of the race of the Hivites originally; and indeed this Aholibamah being the wife of Esau seems to be the reason of this particular notice taken of her here. She is omitted in 1 Chronicles 1:41.