
Introduction to Ecclesiastes Chapter 12

This chapter begins with advice to young men, which is continued from the preceding; and particularly to remember their Creator in the days of their youth; enforced from the consideration of the troubles and inconveniences of old age, Ecclesiastes 12:1; which, in an allegorical way, is beautifully described, Ecclesiastes 12:2; and from the certainty of death, when it would be too late, Ecclesiastes 12:7. And then the wise man returns to his first proposition, and which he kept in view all along, that all is vanity in youth or old age, Ecclesiastes 12:8; and recommends the reading of this book, from the diligence, pains and labour, he used in composing it; from the sententious matter in it; from the agreeable, acceptable, and well chosen words, in which he had expressed it; and from the wisdom, uprightness, truth, efficacy, and authority of the doctrines of it, Ecclesiastes 12:9; and from its preference to other books, which were wearisome both to author and reader, Ecclesiastes 12:12. And it is concluded with the scope and design, the sum and substance of the whole of it, reducible to these two heads; the fear of God, and obedience to him,

Ecclesiastes 12:13; and which are urged from the consideration of a future judgment, into which all things shall be brought, Ecclesiastes 12:14.