Introduction to Genesis Chapter 26
This chapter treats of Isaac's removal to Gerar, occasioned by a famine, Genesis 26:1; of the Lord's appearance to him there, advising him to sojourn in that place, and not go down to Egypt; renewing the covenant he had made with Abraham, concerning giving that country to him and his seed, Genesis 26:2; of what happened unto him at Gerar on account of his wife, Genesis 26:7; of Isaac's great prosperity and success, which drew the envy of the Philistines upon him, Genesis 26:12; of his departure from hence to the valley of Gerar, at the instance of Abimelech; and of the contentions between his herdsmen, and those of Gerar, about wells of water, which caused him to remove to Beersheba,
Genesis 26:16; of the Lord's appearance to him there, renewing the above promise to him, where he built an altar, pitched his tent, and his servants dug a well, Genesis 26:24; of Abimelech's coming to him thither, and making a covenant with him, Genesis 26:26; which place had its name from the oath then made, and the well there dug,
Genesis 26:32; and lastly, of the marriage of Esau, which was a great grief to Isaac and Rebekah, Genesis 26:34.