
Isaiah 60:15

Whereas thou hast been forsaken and hated, so that no man went through thee, I will make thee an eternal excellency, a joy of many generations.

Whereas thou hast been forsaken,.... Seemingly forsaken of God; thought to be so by herself, which was matter of complaint; and by her enemies, which to them was matter of joy; the Lord not appearing for her immediate relief, and for her deliverance out of the hands of her persecutors:

and hated: of all men, of wicked and profane sinners, and of carnal professors, and especially of the antichristian party:

so that no man went through thee; very few passengers in Zion's ways; few asked the way to her, or joined themselves in fellowship and worship with her. Jacob was small; the number of converts exceeding few:

I will make thee an eternal excellency; the saints are the excellent in the earth, in the esteem of God and Christ; they, are their jewels and peculiar treasure, having the excellent graces of the Spirit of God in them; and the excellent robe of Christ's righteousness on them; an excellent knowledge of divine and spiritual things; an excellent spirit of love and unity; and an excellent order and discipline maintained among them; as well as excellent truths preached, and ordinances administered to them; all which shall continue, being made clearly to appear to be their case:

the joy of many generations; of age and age {e}; or, as the Targum,

"the house of joy of generation and generation;''

that is, the church will be the joy of God and Christ, of the saints, and of the whole world, age after age, for a long period of time: see

Isaiah 65:18 there seems to be some respect to Psalms 48:2.

{e} rwdw rwd "generationis et generationis", Vatablus, Pagninas, Montanus; "cujusque generationis", Vitringa.